Series 1 (2021-24)
We are in the final stages of completing the work at Midway Early Learning Center, Elliott Elementary School and Wilcox Elementary School with funding provided by the bond proposal approved in 2021.
Details of the Building Improvement Plans
Midway Early Learning Center
Critical Infrastructure
- Improving HVAC systems, including adding air conditioning
- Replacing pavement, sidewalks, and curbs
- Replacing select roofing
- Improving interior and exterior lighting and controls
- Upgrading electrical distribution systems
- Upgrading Building Management Systems
- Upgrading plumbing to bring up to building code
- Replacing drinking fountains
Safety & Security
- Remodeling secure building entrance
- Replacing door hardware
- Improving site traffic safety and flow for pedestrian safety
Learning Environments
- Replacing classroom/office furniture and equipment
- Improving playground
- Upgrading flooring, ceilings, and cabinetry
- Upgrading instructional technology equipment
- Modernize facilities to maximize educational opportunities, flexibility, and safety while considering environmental sustainability and future operating costs
Elliott Elementary
Critical Infrastructure
- Improving HVAC systems, including adding air conditioning
- Replacing pavement, sidewalks, and curbs
- Replacing select roofing and windows
- Improving interior and exterior lighting and controls
- Upgrading electrical distribution
- Upgrading Building Management Systems
Safety & Security
- Remodeling secure building entrance
- Replacing door hardware
- Improving playground
- Improving site traffic safety and flow for pedestrian safety
Learning Environments
- Constructing classroom addition
- Replacing classroom, office, and media center furniture and equipment
- Upgrading select flooring, ceilings, and cabinetry
- Upgrading instructional technology and student devices
- Upgrading classroom audio visual equipment
- Transition to grades K - 5
- Modernize facilities to maximize educational opportunities, flexibility, and safety while considering environmental sustainability and future operating costs
Wilcox Elementary
Critical Infrastructure
- Improving HVAC systems, including adding air conditioning
- Replacing pavement, sidewalks, and curbs
- Replacing select roofing, windows, and doors
- Improving interior and exterior lighting and controls
- Upgrading electrical distribution
- Upgrading Building Management Systems
- Upgrading plumbing to bring up to building code
- Replacing drinking fountains
Safety & Security
- Remodeling secure building entrance
- Replacing selective door hardware
- Improving playground
- Improving site traffic safety and flow for pedestrian safety
Learning Environments
- Constructing gymnasium/ multi-purpose room addition
- Constructing classroom addition
- Replacing classroom, office, and media center furniture and equipment
- Upgrading flooring, ceilings, and cabinetry
- Upgrading instructional technology and student devices
- Upgrading classroom audiovisual equipment
- Transition to grades K - 5
- Modernize facilities to maximize educational opportunities, flexibility, and safety while considering environmental sustainability and future operating costs