Series 3 (2025)

With approval of the Holt Public Schools Bond Proposal on the May 7 ballot, we would be able to complete a variety of projects at buildings and facilities across the district, including projects at

  • Washington Woods Middle School 
  • Sycamore Elementary School
  • Holt Junior High School
  • Holt High School Main Campus
  • Holt High School North Campus

Details of the Improvement Plans

Sycamore Elementary

Critical Infrastructure 

  • Constructing new parking lots, drives, and walkways 

Safety & Security 

  • Constructing a new playground 
  • Improving site traffic safety and flow for pedestrian safety 

Learning Environments 

  • Constructing new K-5 Elementary School, including new classroom furniture and equipment 
  • Upgrading instructional technology, student devices, and classroom audiovisual equipment 
  • Transition to grades K - 5


  • Creating facilities to maximize educational opportunities, flexibility, and safety while considering environmental sustainability and future operating costs

Washington Woods Middle School

Critical Infrastructure 

  • Improving HVAC systems, including adding air conditioning 
  • Replacing pavement, sidewalks, and curbs 
  • Replacing select roofing 
  • Improving interior and exterior lighting and controls 
  • Upgrading electrical distribution  
  • Upgrading Building Management Systems 
  • Replacing drinking fountains

​Safety & Security 

  • Remodeling secure building entrance  
  • Remodeling cafeteria 
  • Replacing selective door hardware  
  • Improving playground  
  • Improving site traffic safety and flow for pedestrian safety 

Learning Environments 

  • Constructing classroom addition  
  • Remodeling science labs, music, and art classrooms 
  • Replacing classroom, office, and media center furniture and equipment  
  • Upgrading flooring, ceilings, and cabinetry  
  • Upgrading instructional technology and student devices  
  • Upgrading classroom audiovisual equipment 
  • Transition to grades 6 – 8  


  • Constructing classroom addition  
  • Remodeling science labs, music, and art classrooms 
  • Replacing classroom, office, and media center furniture and equipment  
  • Upgrading flooring, ceilings, and cabinetry  
  • Upgrading instructional technology and student devices  
  • Upgrading classroom audiovisual equipment 
  • Transition to grades 6 – 8