Our Vision

The Vision of Holt Public Schools is to empower our learning community to make a positive impact on the world.

Strategic Plan Summary | 2019-2024

Strategic Goal Areas

Goal Statement: Holt Public Schools will expand district initiatives to maximize opportunities for ALL learners and minimize learning loss.

Holt Public Schools defines this as:

  • Fostering student growth for all student groups by maximizing student thinking, learning and engagement.
  • Create relevant, meaningful, student-centered learning experiences.

Goal Statement: Holt Public Schools will provide a more flexible learning environment for our diverse student body that supports each child’s social, emotional, physical, and academic needs.

Holt Public Schools defines this as:

  • Improve student outcomes by supporting the social, emotional, mental, physical and academic needs of the “whole child”.
  • Become a culturally competent and responsible environment in which all students and employees feel respected and connected.

Goal Statement: Holt Public Schools will develop an efficient, standardized communication system district-wide.

Holt Public Schools defines this as:

  • Maintain effective, timely, consistent communication with stakeholders and employees.
  • Encourage, facilitate and track multidirectional communication with stakeholders and employees.

Goal Statement: Holt Public Schools will be a destination district that attracts, develops and supports exceptional and diverse personnel.

Holt Public Schools defines this as:

  • Value, nurture, support and empower employees and assist them in developing the capacity to create a joyful environment in which to work and learn.
  • Recruit qualified, professional employees that mirror our diverse student population.

Goal Statement: Holt Public Schools will modernize facilities to increase safety, educational opportunities and flexibility.

Holt Public Schools defines this as:

  • Modernize facilities to maximize educational opportunities, flexibility and safety while considering environmental sustainability and future operating costs.