Food Service
The Holt Public School's Food Service Department recognizes that good nutrition and education go hand in hand. We foster sound food choices and eating habits through caring and respectful preparation and service of nutritious meals. This enables children to perform at their best now and in the future.
Our meal program operates under the National School Lunch Program administered by USDA, Food and Nutrition Service and the Michigan Department of Education.
All of our meals meet the Dietary Guidelines for Americans and meet the nutrient standards set forth by the Heathy, Hunger-free Kids Act of 2010.
Our breakfast meals include a choice of whole grain breads/cereal, meat as a grain alternate, fruit/juice and choice of milk (skim, 1% white, fat-free chocolate). We offer breakfast in the classroom for grades K-6. Grades 7-12 can pick up breakfast from our cafeterias before school.
Each lunch includes a choice of main entree and side choices of milk, fruit/juice, vegetables and whole grain breads/grains. The student must take either a half a cup of fruit or vegetable to comply with the meal pattern.
A variety of ala carte items are offered at the middle schools through senior high school and may be purchased separately.
Breakfast Information
Have you eaten breakfast today?
Breakfast is provided, on all school days, in all schools. Breakfast is offered in the classroom for our K-6 students and in the cafeteria for grades 7-12.
Start the day with the necessary nutrition to help students succeed and achieve their full potential.
Starting 01/3/2023 Holt Public Schools will be participating in the Universal Free Breakfast program. This will allow every student in our district to receive one free breakfast every day school is in session.
Breakfast Prices:
Paid: $0.00
Reduced: $0.00
Free: $0.00
Lunch Menus
Holt Public Schools is proud to offer parents a new way to view school lunch menus!
With the Nutrislice menu system, families can view dietary information on meals served, know what, if any, allergens are present in meals and help calculate nutritional information.
To view the menus, please visit our website!
You can also download the Nutrislice Mobile App!
Lunch Prices
Breakfast Prices All Schools
Paid $0.00
Reduced $0.00
Free $0.00
Elementary Lunch
Paid $0.00
Reduced $0.00
Free $0.00
Middle School-High School Lunch
Paid $0.00
Reduced $0.00
Free $0.00
Salad Meals (5-12)
Staff / Adult Price All Buildings
Breakfast $3.25 Includes Tax
Lunch $5.25 Includes Tax
Lunch Times
Dimondale Elementary
1st Grade 11:20 – 11:40
2nd Grade 11:45 – 12:05
3rd Grade 12:10 – 12:30
4th Grade 12:35 – 12:55
Kindergarten 1:00 – 1:20
Elliott Elementary
3rd Grade 11:00 – 11:20
4th Grade 11:20 – 11:40
Kindergarten 11:40 – 12:00
1st Grade 12:00 – 12:20
2nd Grade 12:20 – 12:40
Horizon Elementary
3rd Grade 11:30 -11:50
2nd Grade 11:55 – 12:15
1st Grade 12:20 – 12:40
Kindergarten 12:45 – 1:05
4th Grade 1:10 – 1:30
Sycamore Elementary
3rd Grade 11:10 – 11:30
2nd Grade 11:35 – 11:55
1st Grade 12:00 – 12:20
4th Grade 12:25 – 12:45
Kindergarten 12:50 -1:10
Wilcox Elementary
2nd Grade 11:40 – 12:00
4th Grade 11:55 – 12:15
Kindergarten 12:05 – 12:25
3rd Grade 12:20 – 12:40
1st Grade 12:35 – 12:55
Midway ELC & GSRP
11:15 – 12:00
Hope Middle School
Lunch 1 11:30 – 11:50
Lunch 2 11:55 – 12:15
Lunch 3 12:20-12:40
Lunch 4 12:45-1:05
Washington Woods
Lunch 1 11:45 – 12:05
Lunch 2 12:10 – 12:30
Lunch 3 12:35-12:55
Lunch 4 1:00-1:20
Jr High
Monday & Thursday
A Lunch 10:45 – 11:15
B Lunch 11:20 – 11:50
C Lunch 11:55 – 12:25
Tuesday, Friday & reg. Wednesday
A Lunch 10:58 – 11:28
B Lunch 11:31 – 12:01
C Lunch 12:03 – 12:33
Early Release Wednesday
A Lunch 10:32 – 11:02
B Lunch 11:18 – 11:48
Senior High
A Lunch 10:47 – 11:17
B Lunch 11:53 – 12:23
Early Release Wednesday
A Lunch 10:34 – 10:59
B Lunch 11:22 – 11:47
North Campus
A Lunch 10:45 – 11:15
B Lunch 11:50 – 12:20
Early Release Wednesday
A Lunch 10:35 – 1:00
B Lunch 11:21 – 11:46
Updated on 08.15.2023
MealMagic: Creating a New Account
As a convenience to parents, Holt Public Schools now provides parents an easy way to add money to their child's food service account. Online payments can be made into food service accounts by visiting MealMagic. Here you can also view your students accounts, transfer funds between students & utilize parental controls for your student(s) account. Payments made through MealMagic will immediately be posted to the student's food service account. A $1.00 fee will be applied at checkout for the convenience of making your online payment.
Parents can make online payments from home or work, 24/7. If their child's food service balance is low, it only takes a few minutes to add money to it using their VISA or MasterCard or debit card.
If you need assistance in finding your Student ID Number to add students to your MealMagic Account, please review these instructions for How to access your Student's ID.
MealMagic - Setting up a New Account
MealMagic Tutorial Videos
Making a Deposit
Customer Options
Education Benefit (Formerly F&R Applicaion)
Paper applications in English and other languages are available upon request. Please contact our office for at 517-699-1111, for further assistance.
Complete your Education Benefit Form Online
As a convenience to our families, Education Benefit Forms can be submitted through the Meal Magic Family Portal.
- Log into your account*
- Select the benefit icon
- Fill out an application.
*If you do not have an account, then you can complete an application as a guest. Log on to the website, and click Apply for Benefits.
Food Service Account & Application
Parents/Guardians can view their student(s) balance, purchase history, apply for Free or Reduced Lunch, apply limits to accounts and other actions via our online system, Meal Magic Family Portal
Within the family portal you can also send in your application for Free or Reduced lunch, to accomplish this, you simply log into the Meal Magic Family Portal and select the "Apply for Benefits" button.
Paper applications in English and other languages are available upon request. Please contact our office for at 517-699-1111, for further assistance.
Special Meal Request & Allergen information
Title: Food Allergy Plan
Department: Food Services
1.0 Food Service Department Procedure:
1.0 Procedure: Administrators, staff, physicians, children, and families are to be aware of the food allergy policy set in place and work together to minimize risks to provide a safe and allergy friendly school environment. Individuals must understand their own responsibilities within the policy and actively minimize the risk for accidental exposure.
2.0 Scope: Food Services
3.0 Responsibilities & Procedures
Parent/Guardian: Are responsible for contacting the Food Service Department before the start of each school year. This can be done via email or phone, to confirm your existing allergy form on file or to amend the document on file. It is recommended to complete this at least 15 business days before the start of school. The allergy document is available on the District Website. If you require a paper document, please reach out to Food Service.
Food Service Central Office: Upon receipt of a newly completed allergy form, the office staff will have 5 business days to process the form and reach out to the family to discuss the course of reasonable action to be taken. Upon the completion of discussions with the family the Food Service Department will need up to 5 or more business days to procure the necessary item(s) for the student(s). Central Office will communicate with school nursing staff, kitchen staff and family on the official start date of the reasonable accommodation.
Special Education Department (504 & IEP): Building 504 coordinators will need to be in contact with the Food Service Director for any students with an active 504 meal accommodation request. The Building Coordinator and the Food Service Director will work with the 504 plan and parent(s)/guardian(s) on a reasonable course of action. For Food accommodation(s) for students with IEP’s will be evaluated by the building Special Education Staff and the Food Service Director to find a reasonable course of action.
Food Service Building Staff Responsibility: Staff in contact with student(s) with food allergies are to be aware of the food allergy and actively participate in minimizing the risk of exposure. Staff are required to be able to recognize symptoms of an allergic reaction and provide the proper support to the student.
Student Responsibility: The student should be made aware of their own responsibilities. This includes not sharing food with others, not eating foods with unknown ingredients, and when to notify staff if they have or potentially have been in contact with a food allergen.
Food Service Staff: Head Cooks are required to complete a yearly Allergen training course from ServSafe before the start of the school year. All food service staff are to be aware of food allergies in their buildings and be familiar with each building’s allergy binder. All staff should be trained on how to properly prepare food items for students with a meal accommodation. This includes but is not limited to safe storage, safe prep, safe cooking, safe serving, and safe cleaning.
Michigan Department of Education Special Diet Request Form dietary needs information
Government & Organization Assistance Programs
Need Assistance? Here are some resources that may help
Food Assistance
Locate your nearest Food Bank & SNAP Office
More information on MiBRIDGE programs
Family Assistance Programs
Women, Infants & Children (WIC)
Michigan Family Independence Program
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
CATA Redi-Ride (Ingham County)
ETRAN (Eaton County)
Michigan Energy Assistance Program (MEAP)
U.S. Dept. of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) / Rental Help: Michigan
Consumers Energy Payment Assistance
Board of Water & Light (BWL) Payment Assistance
Negative Account Policy
On August 31, 2016, the School Nutrition Program at Michigan Department of Education sent the Administrative Policy No. 6 School Year 2016-2017 to all districts participating in the National School Lunch, School Breakfast, Afterschool Snack, and Special Milk Programs. The subject of the administrative policy was the Negative Balance Compliance Requirements.
We are mandated by United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and Michigan Department of Education (MDE) to develop and implement a policy regarding negative meal account balances and policy regarding bad debt and its collection by the end of the fiscal year. These policies do not have to be included in the local board of education policies and procedures manual but must be reviewed and approved by the board.
- Include the Negative Meal Account Procedure in the Student/Parent Handbook.
- Communicate to all school administrators, school food service staff, families and students, school social workers and nurses, the homeless liaison and any other staff members that may assist students in need.
Holt families are expected to provide a lunch from home or provide their child with cash or maintain funds in their meal account to purchase school meals and a la carte items. Pre-payments are strongly encouraged as they help our food service lines move faster, thus providing more time for the students to eat.
On-line payment can be made with Meal Magic Family Portal.
- Make payments with Master Card, Discover Card or Visa at your convenience through Meal Magic Family Portal
- Includes a $1.00 convenience fee
Cash or check can be sent to school with the students.
- Families with students in K-6, send the cash or check in a sealed envelope with the student’s name clearly marked.
- A fee of $15.00 is charged for any returned checks due to insufficient funds.
- Checks should have the student's name in the memo line
A student can make payments at any time during meal service with cash or check.
For families with more than one student, when sending money with your student to be deposited, please indicate how the funds are to be divided between each member of your household, if applicable.
For emergency payments, please contact the Food Service office at (517) 699-1111
When a meal account becomes negative, a la carte items and extra entrees will not be allowed. In accordance with MDE/USDA guidelines, when an account is negative or a student does not have money, the Food Service department cannot cover the cost of the milk. The cost will be paid with non-Federal Food Service dollars. This will be accomplished by having the funds paid by the general fund. The Food Service Department will work with the business department twice a year (December / June) to pay outstanding milk charges. Additionally, donations specified to pay for milk balances that the District receives will be held in a general fund donation account.
Students who are eligible for free breakfast and lunch will not be denied a meal due to a negative balance; however, they will not be allowed to make a la carte or an extra entrée purchases until a payment is deposited to bring the account to a positive balance.
We at Holt Public Schools denounce school lunch shaming of all students. Every effort will be made by Holt Public Schools to keep parents/guardians informed regarding their family account. When a student receives an alternative lunch, it is important to know that we are not removing a lunch from the student. What is being removed is the student’s choice of entrée. We would like our learning community to know that this is not something we want to do to our students. It is not the fault of the individual student; however, it is ultimately the responsibility of the parent/guardian to maintain a positive meal account balance so that their children can be provided meals during the meal service. Possible entrée substitutions are soy butter and jelly sandwich or yogurt/cheese stick/ grain. All substitutions meet USDA guidelines for school lunch and will have 2 Grain equivalences and 2 Meat/Meat Alt equivalences.
- Meal Magic Family Portal: parents can track all purchases and payments made in the family account. We highly encourage parents/guardians to utilize this system in managing their account.
- Auto-email alerts of balances of $10.00 or below are sent to those who wish to participate in this system.
- When the account becomes negative by -$0.01, all students K-12 will be given a verbal notice. In addition, K-6th graders are given a low balance notice to take home at the end of the day and are included in their Friday folders. Students in grades 7-12 are given verbal notices only.
- At the end of each week, negative balance letters are sent via USPS requesting payments. If a letter is returned, the Food Service Department will contact the family to confirm their address, coordinate with our building secretaries to update the address in PowerSchool if needed, and resend the letter via USPS certified mail.
- Should the negative balance get to -$20.00 or more, the Food Service Director will call the household to let parents/guardians know that they will need to provide meals from home for their child(ren) until funds are deposited in the account. In addition to a phone call,, cashiers will inform students that they have reached the -$20.00 limit.
It is highly recommended to immediately reconcile a negative account balance by either sending money in with the student to put in the account or via web payments to get the account in a positive balance. If your financial circumstances change during the school year, you are welcome to complete a family application for meal assistance program at any time. Forms are available in the main office of your child’s school or download the application.
Families that need assistance paying for their school meals are welcome to apply for a scholarship. The scholarship for the family will depend upon the balance that is in the Pay it Forward account. The Food Service department will work closely with our community partners and PTO organizations to make sure that all our students are able to have a nutritious and full meal at lunch. Food Services will do the best we can to accommodate all scholarship requests.
We are grateful to the generous individual and business community partners who donate to the Pay it Forward account. This support will no doubt leave a lasting impression on the many students and families their generosity impacts.
If you have questions regarding your family meal account, call the Food Service office at 517-699-1111.
Adopted by the Board of Education June 13, 2022
Non-Discrimination Statement
USDA Nondiscrimination Statement
In accordance with federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity.
Program information may be made available in languages other than English. Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication to obtain program information (e.g., Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language), should contact the responsible state or local agency that administers the program or USDA’s TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TTY) or contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339.
To file a program discrimination complaint, a Complainant should complete a Form AD-3027, USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form which can be obtained online at: USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form, from any USDA office, by calling (866) 632-9992, or by writing a letter addressed to USDA. The letter must contain the complainant’s name, address, telephone number, and a written description of the alleged discriminatory action in sufficient detail to inform the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights (ASCR) about the nature and date of an alleged civil rights violation. The completed AD-3027 form or letter must be submitted to USDA by:
- mail:
U.S. Department of Agriculture
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights
1400 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, D.C. 20250-9410; or - fax:
(833) 256-1665 or (202) 690-7442; or - email:
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.