This page is for all alumni, individuals who attended Holt, current and former Holt staff, and Holt Rams friends and family. Let us rekindle memories, rebuild friendships, embrace special times and people within a safe and private format.
Alumni Database Registration
The Alumni Association maintains an alumni database. This information is available to class reunion committees and Holt High School organizations ONLY. To register your current information or to correct previous information filed, please fill out the online form.
Yearbooks Now Available Online
View digitized Holt High School yearbooks, 1930 - 2015, courtesy of Capital Area District Library. Digitized yearbooks are available on the Holt-Delhi Historical Society website. Yearbooks load slowly, so please be patient after clicking on a link. The spinning arrow in the tab title lets you know it's loading.
Reunion News
If you would like your reunion information posted, please let us know.
For future reunion information contact, Julie Wood at
CLASS OF 2004 20th Reunion
Sept. 7, 2024 at Cleats Bar & Grill - 5801 N. Aurelius Rd., Lansing, MI 48911 from 6:00pm - 10pm. More details to come.
In Memoriam
The following lists are provided by other alumni and/or obituaries. The Holt Alumni Association does not guarantee the accuracy of these reports, but simply posts the information provided.
Ric Hartig (Class of 1973) has created a Master List on of deceased classmates for the Classes 1969 - 1977. The link to the list is:
Class of 1937
- Arvid Rehkoph
- Class of 1940
- Ethel (Lott) Baker
- Leola (Page) Garner
Class of 1943
- Donna Sheathelm
Class of 1944
- Jean (Knowles) Mazur
- Marjory (O'Connor) Patton
- Edward Pekrul
- Evelyn (Guenther) Spink
- Shirley Carpenter
Class of 1945
- Robert Smyth
- Philip Adcock
- Howard Love
- Marjorie (Spalding) Duling
Class of 1946
- Dorothy (Crider) Smyth
- Jean (DeLau) Bartholomew
Class of 1947
- Laurie Wilson Allen
- Stanley Patten
- Rose (DeChelbor) Peterson
- Harold Darbor
Class of 1948
- Barbara (Lee) Faussett
- Ronald Pearce
Class of 1949
- Nancy (Rodocker) Whyte
- Jane (Nelson) Duguid
Class of 1950
- Joyce Kahres Henry
- John Lluks, Jr.
- Charles Wood
- Duane Alldever
- Joy Ayoubee
- Marjorie Albert
- William Albert
- Carol (Askie) McCarthy
- Jack Bartlett
- Marilyn (Bell) Bush
- Esther (Hartley) Clark
- Robert Crosby
- Bruce Depue
- Nancy (Meissner) Drown
- Ida Jo (Remalie) Dutcher
- James Ernst
- Richard Federau
- Janet (Tarrant) Galvanek
- Norma (Anderson) Gardner
- Jeneatta (Chappell) Graham
- Kenneth Grieb
- Kay (Hamilton) Dennis
- Leonard Hodgeman
- James Hope
- Marlow Kahres
- Joyce (Henry) Kahres
- Thomas Lechlitner
- Barbara (O'Boyle) Lee
- Reginald Mason
- Marjorie (Albert) Nash
- Louise (Doerr) Palmer
- Carl Parker
- Donald Riggs
- Helen (Brown) Shafer
- Peggy (Bollock) Simmons
- Gwendolyn (Staal) Swatsell
- Robert Thorburn
- Earl Tooker
- Jim Tuttle
- Charlie Williams
- Leteshia (Honey) Noback Tanner
- Margaret (McKie) Welsh
- Marian (Wilson) Tuttle
- Patricia (Ryan) Grundstrom
Class of 1951
- Stan Morrison
- Kay (Robinson) Sheaffer
- Joan (Grieb) Fuller
- Wayne Pike
Class of 1952
Betty Guile
Marilyn (Williams) Rudd
- Dorothy (Wade) Walter
Class of 1953
- Gloria (Sweet) Carter
- Doreene (Jeffers) Cooper
Class of 1954
- Marlene (Grieb) Shepard
- Charles Leonard
Class of 1955
- Kay (Olson) Johnson
- Carol Kibby
Class of 1956
- Clark Kintigh
- Harold Hudson
- Beatrice (Bosom) Terry
Class of 1957
- Blaine Alwood
Class of 1958
- Roy Schnepp
Class of 1959
- Gary Howell
- Carolyn (Young) Benjamin
- Robert Ribby
- James Kelly, Jr.
Class of 1960
- Carolyn (Perkins) Doerr
- Bob Schulz
- Terry Parsons
- Gary Magee
- Bob Nichols
Class of 1961
- LeRoy Rogers
- Peggy (Hadwin) Moore
- Donald Rey
- Sandra (Thies) Parsons
- Carol (Hunt) Ammon
- Karen Walker
- Walter Reynolds
- Barry Damon
Class of 1962
- John Dayton
- Ann Griffin Bethka
- Richard Davis
- Carol (Weaver) May
- Linda (Carl) Bowlin
- Garnet (Ralston) Chappell
- Christine (Rey) Harrison
Class of 1963
- Mike Liles
- Ed Clark
- Jamie (Stornant) Emerick-Doezema
- Doug Palmer
- Doug Weaver
- Pam Casler
- Sandy Helms
- Larry Emmett
- Charlotte Buxton
- Bonnie Buxton
- Jack Wood
- Verlyn Wood
- Ed Carr
- Dave Montague
- Ron Niesel
- Sandy Derrigan
- Art Cole
- Connie Hartig
- Eva French
- Tom Peyok
- Kathy Bashore
- All Leckrone
- Tony Vasquez
Class of 1964
- Kay (Anderson) Harrison
- Wayne Caruss
- Warren Caruss
- Michael Oakes
- Jim Dayton
- Archie Lewis
- Glade Cumberworth
Class of 1965
- Harold Graber
- Rick Anthony
- Patrick Dillion
- Michael Lee King
- Linda (Pulver) Cripps
- Thomas Towsley
- Leo Lanning
- Charlie Crane
- Glenn Anderson
- Terry Beardslee
- Terry Barnhart
- Mike Bostrum
- Jay Dannelly
- Linda DeRosa
- Judy Ehreshman
- Carlotta Harmon
- Cathy Hart
- Laurel Hood
- Charles Ingersoll
- Wayne Johnson
- Fran Kasier
- Lynn Keiner
- Larry Laippley
- Penny Lovejoy
- Mike Martin
- Tom Odiorne
- Roger Parsons
- Gary Pirtle
- Art Potter
- Carol Rietz
- Eva Roth
- Mike Russel
- Denny Schafer
- Mike Shafer
- Bill VanEtten
- Jim Vasquez
- Jane Voss
- Bob White
- Mary (Shirey) Partridge
- Trudy (Baisel) Mataya
Class of 1966
- Tim Landfair
- Michael Patton
- Linda (Church) Martin
- Bruce Duling
- Richard Mead
- Jim Mills
- Ronald Albertson
- Sheila Brackney
- Kandy (Walker) Chamberlain
- Joe David
- Michael DeChelbor
- Rebecca Bateman
- Norman Hart
- Mark Hilton
- Jaylene Reich
- George Lanning
- Barbara Markos
- Char Pernert
- David Pratt
- Richard Riggs
- Michael Roth
- George Schindewolf
- Carl Simmon
- Christine Mills
- Larry Jenks
- James Warren
- Linda (Bloomquist) Oatley
- Jon Curtis
- Pat (Bray) Flachs
- Tom Duling
- Neill Andersen
Class of 1967
- Doug White
- Tom Koshier
- Susan (Fairbotham) Domrase
- Mike Jankoviak
- Alan Barrett
- Vallorie (Fowler) Risdon
- Davey Guthrie
- Lois (Welch) Grabowski
- Bill Patino
- Larry Martin
- Ronald Cumberworth
- John Phelps
- Steve Mastin
- Mary (Curtis) Lower
- Janice Battin
- Susan Dillion
- David King
- John Leonard
- Bruce Stephens
- Russell White
- Chuck Patterson
- Sandra Dreysse
- Thomas Betz
- Janet Ewing
- Jerry King
- Lynn Pasichnyk
- Jonathan Phillips
- Thomas Stolsky
- Susan Woods
- Star Pike
- Doyle David
- Michael Feldpausch
- Russ La Macchia
- Peggy Patino
- Steve Skultety
- Michael Waterhouse
- Chuck Cook
- Jim Spencer
- Lynn (Griffin) Havens
- Cherri (Shattuck) Nevins
Class of 1968
- Scott Whitehill
- Don Myers
- Michael Cady
- George Mochmar
- William Bennett
- Donna Bush
- James Carroll
- Bruce Cremeans
- Thomas Howe
- Eric Langtry
- Peter Olson
- Bob Pike
- Kay Potter
- Linda Rosher
- Glenn Till
- David VanNocker
- Sandra Zimmerman
- Mark Miske
- James Rouse
- Bryan Harton
Class of 1969
- Vickie Wall Miske
- Sally Cumberworth Snow
- Diane Beehler
- Nancy (Turner) Evans
- Jon North
- Sue Meese
- Rick McDaniel
- Rick McCoy
- Dave Kitzman
- Bob Hawkins
- Bill Hetherington
- Terry Hammond
- Nona (Ferrier) Sisler
- Dennis Dipple
- Lois Bacon
- Patricia Archer
- Karen (Reynolds) Kaiser
Class of 1970
- Richard Carnahan
- Kerry Linn
- Bob Mathew
- Cindy Meese
- Carol Secord
- Curt Barnard
- Jackie Brayton
- Rich Davidson
- John De Rosa
- DeWayne Dougherty
- Rick Huckaba
- Gary Stiffler
- Greg Veltema
- Diane Hummel
- Kathryn Ghastin
- Billy Barrix
- Rick Adams
- Rick Havens
Class of 1971
- Edson Borges
- James Simmons
- Terri Acker Austin
- John Hogarth
- Nancy Dayton
- Bonnie Snyder Hollern
- Mark Watson
- Tim VanHouten
- Mike Toaz
- Bob Mothersell
- Lee Horstmyer
- Debbi Frantz
- Mike Meredith
- Edward Kahres
Class of 1972
- Dan Mathew
- Terry Robinson
- Tom Bosworth
- Ron Heady
- Mike Robedeu
- Terry Richards
- Mark Greenhouse
- Joy Wadsworth
- Steve Jacobs
- Ann Kitchen
- Steve Dodds
- Rob Harry
- Kim Anderson
- Chris Kirby
- Andy Anderson
- Marsha Barrix
- Mary Adcock
- John Pearce
- Richard Dart
- Robin (Hoadley) Malatinsky
- Robyn (Carlton) Withey
- Floyd Sheldon
- Dan David
- Leo Ghastin
- Kirk Shewchuck
- Rick Kintigh
- Daniel Tuttle
- Richard Reasoner
- Nancy Gay
- Michael Chabot
- Robert Allen
- Pamela Stevens
Class of 1973
- Doug Allen
- Dan Ayres
- Nancie Bauer
- Charles Bowerman
- Debbie (Brokenshire) Rush
- Dan Brooks
- Shawn Brown
- John Chi
- Robin (Cortright) Kramer
- Steve Craft
- Terri Dill
- Steve Dutcher
- Ricky Edwards
- Ginger Ewing
- Ed Glisson
- Bob Hayes
- Mike Hoffman
- Greg Kane
- Bob LaFond
- James Lenon
- Jeff McDonald
- Wes McKenzie
- Eric Montague
- Doug Morgan
- Scott Morton
- Craig Puckett
- Mitch Provost
- Charles Reasoner
- Roger Reichenbach
- Vicki Reitz
- Margaret Rhines
- Kris Richards
- Rocky Shaft
- Tom Stifler
- Dawn (Tink) Sheldon
- Mike Tuttle
- Joe Wood
- Steve Woods
- Faith Zalewski
Class of 1974
- Sue Barrix Hooper
- Matt Schindewolf
- Fredrick Harris
- Laurence Pincumbe
- Paul Cole
- Becky Barnard
- Guy Carlton
- Marvin Hake
- Jack Mathis
Class of 1975
- Tom Knechtges
- Dan Perez
- Cindy (Ellis) Acuna
- Mike Pierce
- Kathy (Zajac) Maybe
- Kevin Waugh
- Katy (Shellito) Ruhf
- Patrick Lucas
- John Loveall
- Penny (Gibson) Steen
- Billy Poufcas
- Rhonda Mitchell
Class of 1976
- Christopher Youdes
- Jerry Fisher
- Julia Fuller-Thayer
- Chuck Perry
- Andrew Cary
- John Anderson
- John Brubaker
- Colleen Babcock
- Jared Babcock
- Christine Carnahan
- Kim Doan
- Kenda Every
- Rhonda Harmon
- Ramona Hurd
- Marty Jankoviak
- Ron Johns
- Fred Jory
- Jeff Knechtges
- Dan Mayes
- John Mcintosh
- Mike Miller
- Jennifer Moshkosky
- Greg Piper
- Calvan Piper
- Vicki Plowman
- Doug Poufcas
- Michele Romanek
- Theresa Spurbeck
- Lonny Threet
- Scott Toaz
- Steve Warner
- Bruce Cornelius, Jr.
- Douglas Jarrad
- Dennis Ridenour
- Donald DeChelbor
- Bill Conarton
- Cheryl (Gruhn) Hiner
- John Crisler
- Scott Spencer
- Dave Rogers
- Daniel Dallman
- John Decker
- Cindy (Curtis) Coombs
- Sharyl (Bradley) Hennard
- Karen (Adams) Mayers
Class of 1977
- Steve Albert
- Joel Beltran
- Marvin "Ray" Covington
- Chris Cross
- Denny Dygart
- Tim Gruhn
- Anita Guerrero
- Rick Johns
- Fred Kretzinger
- Brian Lefke
- Dave Marsh
- Kevin McCabe
- Glenn Miller
- Mark Osborne
- Perry Parker
- Jim Pierce
- Theresa Ranshaw
- Karen Riggs
- Kerry Ripley
- Peggy Rockhold Walton
- Tami Rulison
- Renee Swix
- Cheryl Ulch
- Ann Wallace
- Mike Wank
- John Wright
- Kurt Cross
- Daniel Curnow
- Peggy Gibson
- Scott Ammon
- Brian Stephenson
- Nancy Kniivila
- William Faunce
Class of 1978
- Leesa (Marusich) Aldrich
- Howard Parmelee
- Tamara (Terry) Spangler
- Jayne (Doerr) Acker
- Bonita (Long) Finch
- Sandra (Bryon) Sinclair
Class of 1979
- Sandy Stiffler
- Judy (Parks) Hall
Class of 1980
- Karim Sadat
- Anna Andrus
- Mike Spenny
- Kim (Marsh) Mayes
- Bill Post
- Scott Johnson
- Doug Green
- Janora (Wright) Barton
Class of 1981
- Clinton Wethy
- Michael Scavarda
- Kay Quimby
- Collen Detwiler
- Lori Williams
- Karen Eriksen
- Ann Jenkins
- Kim Maas
- Tom Nowicki
- Bob Scott
- Theresa Sherman
- Kim Smith
- Rich Theroux
- Bill Wilkinson
- Cedric Wilson
- Paul Rosenberg
Class of 1982
- Jodi Wood
- Steve Schroeder
- David Rowe
- Mike Bengry
- Todd Anderson
Class of 1983
- Amy Jo Hersey
- Mark Mason
- Tom Worley
- Dale Hudson
- James DeLoach
Class of 1984
- Eric Batton
- Donald Duane Jarrad
- Robert Rose
- Tracey Baker
- Barry Hause
Class of 1985
- Larry Kinglsey
- Michele (Rosher) Brussow
Class of 1986
- Scott McAttee
- Andrew Taylor
- Mark Morgan
Class of 1987
- Shannon Shepard
- Mary Toth
- Scott Specker
- Kevin Folleth
- Stephanie Quinn
Class of 1989
- Michael Bowler Jr.
- Michael VanPatten
- Matthew Hilton
- Jeffrey Gunn
Class of 1990
- Bart Brinkerhuff
- Eric Royston
Class of 1992
- Brandon Roy
- Annie Hartman
- Brian Yemc
- Jeff Barry
- Mike Esch
- Kevin Felder
- Jim Ranshaw
- Jason Ogden
- Rachel Lipp
- Rebecca (Harry) Houghten
- Brian Johnson
- Scott Doerr
- Amy (Treloar) Hines
Class of 1993
- Kelly McGonagle
- Christopher Baker
Class of 1994
- Ryan Alderman
- Sean Malone
- Jason Boyer
- Jason Brisboe
- Amy Frankovich
Class of 1995
- Brett Miller
Class of 1997
- Wesley Long
- James Graham
Class of 1998
- Amber Taylor
- Nicole David
Class of 1999
- Jason Barager
- Matthew Justin Hill
- Class of 2000
- Joshua Clark
- Emily Viele
Class of 2001
- Charles Loveall
- Michelle Krumm
- Shaun Boyd
- Daniel Milliken
Class of 2002
- Jonathon Gingas
Class of 2003
- Bradley Malkowski
- Nicholas Nobach
Class of 2004
- Dustin Cook
- Lavoris Watkins
- Sarah Warfield
- Chuck Clark
- Brent White
- Kathryn Kruger
- Brian McDonald
- Jesse Stout
- Journey Montague Bauer
- Richard "Rick" Love
- Amanda (Wall) Hunt
- Chris Plunkett
- Kyle Dane
Class of 2006
- Ruth Martinez
Class of 2007
- Ross Hineman
- Johnathan Kerr
- Paul Crosby
- Katie Vera
Class of 2008
- Nick Krish
- Colin Nethaway
- Class of 1937
- Arvid Rehkoph
- Class of 1940
- Ethel (Lott) Baker
- Leola (Page) Garner
Class of 2010
- Joe Alvarado
Class of 2011
- Kaylee Brock
Class of 2014
- Alfred White
Class of 2016
- Nathan Norris
Class of 2021
- Luciano DeLeon
- Sam Michaels
- Mike Clark
- Betty Garnett
- Dan Ernst
- Jerry Winters
- Tim Parry
- Margaret Peisner
- Bill York
- Olith Hovey
- Peggi Oakes
- Nancie Bauer
- Rocky Shaft
- Mike Smith
- Jack Rarick
- Sandra Mason
- Pat Tuttle
- Doug Warren
- Dottie Andersen
- Dolores Berkheimer
- Ann Sutliff
- Cathy LaTour
- Chan Nauts
- James Bannick
- Scott Szpara
- Jerry Gillett
- Darold Briggs
- Peg Brown
- Dan Hovanesian
- Norm Garnett
- Virginia Heller
- Janie Alysworth
- Al Inkala
- Juanita Grew
- Helmut Jaguitis
- Abby Reeser
- Jean McCaffrey
- Lowell Rudd
- Jean Mooney
- Don Shebuski
- Mary Mariage
- Bruno Tews
- Doug Alexander
- Iva Butler
- Larry Linck
- Sam LoPresto
- Carol Haasch
- Guil Northrup