Work Permits

Need a Work Permit?

PDF DocumentCA-7 Michigan Work Permit and Age Certificate (for minors 16 & 17 years of age)

PDF DocumentCA-6 Michigan Work Permit and Age Certificate (for minors UNDER 16 years of age)

Don’t have access to a computer or a printer?

Copies of both forms are available in the black/yellow tub outside the front entrance at the Holt High School, Main Campus. Please make sure to take the age appropriate copy. One per student, please.

Processing Procedure:

  1. Minor obtains WP and completes Section I.
  2. Minor takes WP to employer/person proposing to employ the minor to complete Section II.
  3. Employer/Person gives work permit back to minor to return to school for verification. THIS REQUIRES AN APPOINTMENT. To set up an appointment please contact
    1. Stephanie Gonzales, Holt High School - 517.694.2162
    2. Laura Brandt, Main Office, Holt High School - 517-699-6929
  4. School makes a copy of the WP and returns original to the minor
  5. Minor gives completed original WP to employer/person listed in Section II.